Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Virtualbox Problem with netoworking : "No host only network adapter selected"

Scenario :-

While carrying out dynamic malware analysis, it is better to set up a host only network with the victim host (on which you are running the malware) and the remnux host (on which you will be running the analysis tools).

Problem :-

I had a problem with my virtualbox on ubuntu 12.04, I coudn't add a host only adapter, the message was "no host only network adapter selected" and neither I could select anything.

Solution :-

Actually, the virtual host-only network wasn't set up yet. Here's is how to fix this problem:

    From the main menu, select File > Preferences (Ctrl+G) - NOT the settings of
    any particular vm.

    Select Network in the list on the left.

    You should see an empty white box with "Host-only Networks" at the top. On
    the right, there are three buttons to manage them. Click the topmost one
   (with a green plus symbol).

   A new Host-only network will be created and added to the list.

You should now be good to go!